Wednesday, January 22, 2014



A.  Power Snatch;  Build to a Max
warm up to 175lbs;  185lbs; 195lbs;  205lbs;  215lbs - These felt pretty good today I didn't have any misses before 215.  I caught it right at parallel.  This was a PR.  I'm stoked.

12 Min AMRAP
12 Dead Lifts @ 225lbs
9 Push Press @ 135lbs
6 Box Jumps
6+13 - This was tough.  Controlling my breathing was the toughest part.  Moving from DL to PP my breathing and heart rate just jumped up.  I ended up having to take several seconds moving from BJ back to DL.  


Row 30 min @ Z1
7237m  -  Good easy pace.  Felt good


A.  Squat Clean Clusters x 5;  Rest 20 sec / 3 min
185lbs;  205lbs;  215lbs;  225lbs;  235lbs;  240lbs;  245lbs;  250lbs - These felt good this morning.  I took some time to warm up well and was focusing on pulling the bar back and catching over the front of my heal.  The pulls and catch were feeling on today.  I was pleased.

4 min AMRAP
4 Thrusters @ 135lbs
4 Muscle Ups
--Rest 8 min--
4 min AMRAP
8 OHS @ 95lbs
8 C2B Pull-Ups
--Rest 8 min--
4 min AMRAP
16 Wall Balls
16 T2B
4+6  - This felt alright no real breaks, i had to break up the last 2 sets of MUs into sets of 2.

4+11 - These felt pretty good my grip on C2B started to get taxed at the end

3+9 - This was fun it felt good and pretty smooth

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