Wednesday, February 19, 2014




A.  Squat Snatch Build to A Max
135lbs;  155lbs;  175lbs;  185lbs;  195lbs;  205lbs;  225lbs;  240lbs PR - These were feeling good today.  Every snatch up to 240 felt great and there were no misses.  After hitting 225 easily I debated trying 235 or just going for 240.  I just went for it, I missed a few times catching it for a few seconds at the bottom then loosing it.  Then got it pretty smoothly.  I'm stoked

B.  30 Squat Snatch for Time @ 185lbs
9:49 - These felt great as well,  I was trying to stay nice and steady and not rush it.  I only missed once on the 29th rep because I was wanting to get a better time.  I looked back through my journal and I did this back on the 17th of jan and it took me 15:56 with 5 failed reps.  


Thrusters @ 135lbs
C2B Pull-Ups
7:00 - This was tough but I was steady through out.  Thrusters were 11/7/3;  6/5/4;  6/4.  I felt good through out all the workouts today.


Off/ Mobility



A.  Power Snatch;  Build to a tough Single
Warm Up to 155lbs;  165lbs;  175lbs;  185lbs;  195lbs; 205lbs - This felt good today, probably could have kept going for a few more pounds but I missed 205 on the first attempt then got it on the second.  The bar was moving fast and I was catching high I just caught the first a bit forward.

For Time
50 Power Snatch @ 95lbs
500m Row
5:43 - This was fun, my quads were feeling it on the last half of the snatches and throughout the row.  I was kinda expecting my lower back to get a bit tight so I set the damper a bit lower than usual.  However my back was feeling good through the whole workout, my quads were on fire and that slowed my turnover on the row.


10 Min AMRAP
10 Dead Lift @ 185lbs
10 Hand Release Bdurpee
10 Box Jumps @ 24''
6+5 - This felt pretty good, everything was unbroken.  My calves were actually getting pretty tight from the box jumps, I was taking a breath at the top and trying to land in a good jumping position and jump as quickly as possible.  My lower back got tight in the last round.  

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