Saturday, May 10, 2014



A.  Squat Clean;  10 Singles @ 85% 1RM; Rest 2 min
Complete @ 235lbs - These felt good mechanically but they felt just a bit heavier than usual.  I hope that makes scenes.  

B.  1 1/4 Front Squat;  5 x 5 @ 75% 1RM Front Squat;  Rest 2 min
Complete @ 240lbs - These felt good, They were tough.  Breathing got heavy on the last rep or 2 of each set

C.  Dead Lift;  5 TnG on the Min for 10 Min @ 295lbs
Complete - these felt good 

D.  Thrusters;  15 Unbroken @ 95lbs x 4;  Rest 2 min


60-90 min Hike
70 min Hike - I would have liked to have gone for longer but I just didn't have enough time.  It has been raining all day and the rain stopped just in time to get out and walk.


A.  Push Press;  5 x 5;  Rest 3 min
135lbs;  155lbs;  165lbs;  175lbs;  185lbs;  195lbs;  205lbs;  215lbs;  4 @ 220lbs;  210lbs - THese felt pretty good today.  My shoulders were still just a bit sore when I went to bed last night but they were good this morning.  I wanted 220 so bad,  I failed on the 5th rep caught it and tried one more time and missed it again.  so I dropped down to 210 and got it for 5.  

B.  Weighted Pull-Ups;  5 x 5;  Rest 3 min
2 x 5 @ 26lbs;  2 x 5 @ 35lbs;  5 @ 37.5lbs -- These didn't feel very good this morning.  I was hoping to go for higher but I just wasn't feeling it.  

C1.  Bench Press;  5 x 5; Rest 2 min
225lbs;  235lbs;  245lns;  250lbs;  255lbs - I'm really happy to have made it up to 255

C2.  Bent Over Supinated Barbell Row;  5 x 5;  Rest 2  min
165lbs x 2;  175lbs;  185lbs x 2

10 Min AMRAP
5 Strict HSPU
10 Strict Pull-Ups
20 DU's
6 + 6 - The pull-ups got to me quick on this for some reason.  They ate up most of my time.  DU's felt really good and so did the HSPU.  My breathing felt great it was just my endurance on the Pull-Ups today wasn't there.  

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