Wednesday, May 7, 2014



60-90 min Hike
75 min hike today.  It was a beautiful day sunny and about 80.  I was walking without my shirt and I might have gotten burnt a little.  It was nice to get out in the sun today


A.  Split Jerk;  Build to A Tough Single (2 misses maximum)
Warm up to 225lbs;  245lbs;  255lbs;  265lbs;  275lbs;  285lbs;  295lbs;  300lbs PR!  - These felt really good this morning.  I missed once at 295 then got it pretty easily,  I missed the first attempt at 300 but it was super close.  I know that I should have stopped there but I knew that if I gave it one more try I could hit it - so I did and PR.  The folks that were watching me thought that I could keep going but I decided to call it there.  

B.  Drop to 85% of A and Perform 10 singles;  Rest 90 sec
Complete @ 255lbs - These felt pretty good.  

C1.  Push Press 5-6 x 6;  Rest 2 min
6 @ 165lbs;  6 @ 175lbs;  6 @ 185lbs;  6 @ 195lbs;  2 x 5 @ 205lbs - My  shoulders were feeling it here.

C2.  Weighted Pull-Ups;  2-3 x 6;  Rest 2 min
3 @ 35lbs;  3 @ 40lbs;  3 @ 53lbs;  3 @ 58lbs;  2 x 2 60lbs 

D.  Muscle Ups;  5 Unbroken x 6;  Rest 90sec
Complete - no issues here, the dip was the toughest part today

E.  Bent Over Single Arm DB Rows;  6-8 x 5;  Rest 1 min bw Arms
8 x 5 @ 70lbs per arm - These felt good,  It might have been too light - this was the heaviest DB we had at the gym.  I kept the reps slow and controlled

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