Wednesday, November 12, 2014




A.  Power Clean From High Blocks;  Build to A Max
225lbs  -  I took my time warming up to this.  This got tough pretty quickly.  I know that I could have gotten 235 (i pulled it to my chest several times), my body was just hesitating to drop under and catch it.  My back is feeling a lot better than it was last week but I could still feel it on these.  

B.  Deadlift;  5 on the min for 10 min ( light and fast, rest each rep on the floor)
Complete @ 275lbs - Surprisingly these felt great, I felt that every rep was quality and my back was feeling good

15 min AMRAP
15 KBS @ 2pood
30 UB DUs
8 + 15  - This workout made me nervous before I even started warming up my KBS.  That is the motion that tightens up my back.  I think it is my QL on my right side thats bothering me.  I didn't go 100% at this I was being cautious of my back, I could feel it throughout the whole workout, but it wasn't really painful.  I failed on 2 of the UB DUs, all the KBS were UB.


For Time:
15 MU Buy in
50 OHS @ 135lbs
50 Bar Burpee
15 MU Buy Out
14:06 - This was fun.  The MUs felt good, I warmed up my snatch and OHS pretty well they felt good and smooth with no real problem w my back.  The Burpees were slow - steady but slow.  I stretched and trigger pointed my back and hips a lot before and after this and I'm feeling pretty good.  When something doesn't feel as good or strong as I believe that it should, its hard for me mentally to block it out and just muscle and fight my way through the workout and wait and deal w the issue after.  I might be overly cautious - but longevity, health, growth and challenging myself are my top priorities.  I'm my toughest critic and I won't let myself shortcut or half ass the process.  The learning process now is finding that balance between the physical and mental.  


Airdyne 15 min
Run 15 min
x 2 
All @ Easy Pace
Complete  - this felt good, the weather is nice - theres a front coming in and the weather is about to break.  I enjoy these just getting out and moving and thinking, its relaxing.
45 min Mobility
Complete  - 


A.  Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press;  Build to a 3RM
95lbs;  105lbs;  115lbs;  125lbs;  135lbs;  145lbs;  155lbs;  165lbs;  175lbs;  185lbs;  195lbs;  205lbs;  215lbs;  225lbs (F) @ 235lbs  - I'm still not super comfortable with these so I wanted to get in a lot of reps.  They felt pretty good this morning.  

B.  Legless Rope Climb;  10 Reps Not For Time ( for quality, seated from L position)
Well we found another one.  This is definitely a weakness.  I could not hold the L-Sit position for the whole rope climb, not even on the first one.  These took me over 30 min.  That extra distance from sitting on the ground made all the difference in my grip strength.  Plus on legless RC i have always used my hips on each pull.  This wrecked me, my biceps and forearms are blown up.  

Open workout 14.1
6 + 33  - This hurt, my shoulders were gone about halfway through.  The DUs felt great this time.  I went right into this after the RCs and my arms were still feeling it.  303 reps this time,  Last time I have 281 reps written down in my journal.  

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