Wednesday, October 8, 2014




A.  Banded Clean Pulls;  5 x 5; Rest 2 min
135lbs;  165lbs;  185lbs;  205lbs;  225lbs;  2 @ 245lbs  - These felt good.  I used a red band on them all.  I started w a blue band but popped it while I was on my set @ 165,  so I did that weight again and just stayed w red.  I kept the weight light enough that I was able to move the bar fast and finish w a good shrug on all reps.  

B.  TnG Power Snatch;  3 Reps on the Min for 9 min (pick a tough load for 3, then increase weight each 3 Reps so that the Last 3 are Really tough, But slightly less challenging in the early sets)
3 min @ 155lbs;  160lbs;  165lbs;  170lbs;  175lbs;  180lbs;  185lbs  - This felt good.  I was nervous about 185 from the start but i really wanted to get it.  I've never done it for 3 TnG before.  It was tough but felt pretty good.  

 C.  GH Raises;  8-10 x 4;  Rest 2 min
Complete - 10 on all 4 sets.  These felt good but they got tough, I know that I'm going to feel these. 

D.  Seated Good Mornings;  8-10 x 4;  Rest 2 min
10 @ 95lbs;  3 x 10 @ 115lbs; 10 @ 125lbs  - I have never done these before, I definitely felt these differently than normal good mornings.  I liked them.  


20 min AMRAP
50 DUs
10 Hang Power Clean and Jerk @ 135lbs
3 MUs
6 + 44  - THis was a lot tougher than I was expecting.  The DUs felt good and so did the MUs, but those hang clean and jerk got tough.  I don't know what got to them but the last 8 min or so my sub-scap especially my left one was burning.  This was fun though.  



Row 500m @ 75%  1:54.1
Rest 1 min
Row 500m @ 80%  1:45.9
Rest 2 min
Row 500m @ 85% 1:41.6
Rest 2 min
Row 500m @ 90%  1:38.3
Rest 3 min
Row 500m @ 95%  1:33.7
Rest 5 min
Row 500m all out1:33.6
These felt pretty good.  I am feeling yesterday in my legs a bit today.  Hamstrings, ass, and lower back are a bit tight and actually while I was rowing I was getting shin splints from the DUs yesterday.  With the first 4 I was feeling good on the rower and recovered in the rest period.  The 95% felt pretty good and the all out the first 300m felt good then I could just feel my pulls loosing strength.  That last one kinda hurt.  


A.  Squat Clean x 1/ Hang squat Clean x 1/  Front Squat x 1  - One complex on the Min for 10 min (light/moderate)
Complete @ 185lbs  - THis felt good, the weight moved fast.  I almost added weight half way through but i just kept it and tried to see how fast I could do the complex.  I was consistent at 7 seconds.b

B.   Back Squat;  5 x 5;  Rest 3 min ( same load across, not maximal)
Complete all @ 275lbs  - My legs were a bit tired so I didn't push it too much.  This weight felt good and I made sure to control each rep and focus on proper mechanics.

10--> 1
Hang Squat Clean @ 115lbs
Bar Facing Burpee
8:52  - This felt good.  All HSC were UB.  I might have paced a bit too much on sets 10-8. 


A.  Snatch Grip BTN Split Jerk;  7 Tough Singles;  Rest 2:30
2 @ 225lbs;  245lbs;  7 @ 255lbs - these were awkward,  the weight felt good but the movement itself just felt funny. I stayed at 255 to work on technique. 

B1.  Weighted Pull-Up;  2-3 x 5;  Rest 1 min
3 @ 40lbs;  3 @ 45lbs;  3 @ 53lbs;  3 @ 58lbs;  3 @ 63lbs. - these felt good today

B2.  Bench Press;  3,3,3,3,3;  Rest 1 min
245lbs;  255lbs;  265lbs;  270lbs;  2 @ 275lbs -  these felt solid. I just didn't have it in me for the third rep at 275. 

C1.  Wall Facing HS Hold;  Accumulate 90 sec x 3;  Rest 90 sec
Complete - all sets UB. Getting light headed and my hands starting to get tingly was the worst part. 

C2.  bar pull Overs;  6 Reps x 3;  Rest 90 sec
Complete - these were fun. I did each set as 3/3. 

D.  Muscle Ups;  4 on the Min for 8 min
Complete -  no issues here

E.   Support Hold on Rings in External Rotation Bent knee l-Sit;  Accumulate 3 Min for Quality ( strait arms,  as much ext rotation as you can sustain)
Complete  - These were tough, I did them all in 10 sec sets.  

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