Saturday, October 18, 2014




A.  Squat Snatch from High Blocks;  12 Singles @ 80-90% 1RM Snatch;  Rest 2 min
4 @ 195lbs;  2 @ 200lbs;  2 @ 205lbs;  4 @ 210lbs  - These felt pretty good,  I took my time warming up before I got into my working sets.  I failed 3 times on my last rep @ 210.  I don't know what was up - I lost 1 in front 1 in back and was wobbly on the catch on the last.  I could tell that I was getting fatigued.  Mechanically I felt good.

B.  Hang Squat Clean;  10 for Time @ 230lbs x 3;  Rest 4 min
1:23;  1:20;  1:24  - These felt pretty good.  I could tell my hips were tired getting the full extension.  My lower back has been tightening up at night while I'm coaching, and I've found out that my quads and hip flexors are pretty tight.  I spent some time yesterday and this morning stretching them.  I could feel them during this.  But this was fun I enjoyed it.

5 Rounds For Time
200m Run
10 Back Squat @ 275lbs
50 DUs
24:46  - I enjoyed this, it just took longer than I was expecting.  The BS took most of the time.  I didn't use a belt today and I did them all in sets of 2.  I could have done larger sets but my legs were feeling it.  I enjoyed getting the volume in today, I like that.  


Thrusters @ 95lbs
C2B Pull-Ups
11:51  - This was tough.  The thrusters were not as bad as I was expecting them to be.  The PU were gassing me though.  This was a fun day but I'm tired and ready to get some food.  


A.  Split Jerk;  1 Rep on the 20 sec. for 30 Reps @ 55% 1 RM
Complete @ 175lbs  - This felt good, I was focusing a lot on my foot placement.  

B1.  Wall Facing Shoulder Taps;  AMRAP x 5;  Rest 1 min
100;  100;  75;  83;  81  - My shoulders and forearms were feeling it here today more than usual.  

B2.  Archer Pull-Ups;  Accumulate 10 Reps/Side x 5;  Rest 3 min
Complete  -  These got tough

C.  Advanced Frog Stand Hold Tech Work - 15 min
Complete  - THese are feeling better this week.  on avg. I was getting about 10-12 sec on each attempt.  

D.  False Grip Above the Rings Supinated Pull-Up Holds;  Accumulate 4 min for Quality
Complete  - I broke these up into 10 and 20 sec sets.  I held a hollow body throughout with my fingers right under my collar bone.  These felt good I just hung out and listened to music as I got these done.

Airdyne 5 min @ 85%
Slow Spin 1 min
x 3
225 Cal,  6.7 Miles  - This felt good breathing wise, but my legs were feeling it from yesterday.  I held above 300 Watt for my 85% and around 135 for my slow spin.  

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