Friday, September 12, 2014



Airdyne 3 min @ 85%
Airdyne 2 min Easy
x 5
Complete  - We finally got he Assault Bike working and I used it today.  ( there was a short in one of the wires that they sent us that we had to get replaced for the monitor to work)  The Assault Bike is definitely different than the old Ads.  I got 308 Total Cal and went 9.2 Miles.  On my 85% I was keeping 360-410 Watt.  I do like the fatter more cushioned seat of the old AD. 



A.  Freestanding HS Hold Tec Work/HS Walk
Complete - this was good used it as a warmup to the morning.  

B1.  Bar MUs;  7 for Time x 5;  Rest 1 min
0:19;  0:17; 0:19;  0:18;  0:18  -  These felt good today, I haven't done these in a while and I took some extra time warming them up between Hand Stands.  The only thing that slowed me was adjusting my hands at the top bc of sweat on the bar.  These were fun

B2.  Deficit (3'')  Strict HSPU;  12 for Time x 5;  Rest 2 min
0:46;  0:48;  0:47;  0:51;  1:09  - These however didn't feel as good as the BMUs.  My shoulders and triceps were just getting tired on the last sets. The movements felt good just the last few reps on the last 2 sets were tough.  

C.  Clean & Jerk;  5 Singles @ 88% 1RM;  Rest 2 min
Complete @ 245lbs  - These felt good.  It didn't take long to warmup and I had no issues or missed reps.  

For Time:
15 Squat Snatch @ 135lbs
10 Squat Snatch @ 165lbs
5 Squat Snatch @ 195lbs
7:27  - THese felt good I did TnG on the sets of 135 and singles for the rest.  165 felt great and so did 195.  I missed the 2nd reps t 195 bc I rushed right into it bc it felt so good on the first.  After that I slowed it down a bit to finish.  I feel comfortable with these heavier snatches coming up in workouts I just need to not rush into each rep as quickly and give myself that extra second or two to get ready for the lift.  



A.  Deadlift;  4 Reps on the Min for 10 min295-335lbs ( Same as last week)
Complete @ 335lbs  - These were good, kinda tough but felt strong.

B.  Weighted Sorensen hold 45lbs ASAP x 3;  rest 2 min
1:17;  1:03;  1:15  -  These were tough, I held a 45lb plate and my biceps were feeling it as well, lol.  
MY posterior chain was lit up after this.  

10 Rounds for Time:
10 DB Power Snatch @ 70lbs (alt arms)
5 Box Jumps @ 30'' (step down)
14:24  - This was slower than I was wanting.  The snatches got to me there in the middle, I was able to speed up at the end.  I felt this more in my hamstrings and lower back than my shoulders.  I'm looking forward to a swim this afternoon, Its so muggy.  


Swim/Run 30-60 min easy
Complete  - Swam for 60 min.  I went at a steady pace taking breaks in-between laps.  This felt great. I went between contrast baths for 20 min after.  this was a great way to end the day
Mobility Work

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