Wednesday, September 17, 2014



Airdyne 3 min @ 85%
Airdyne 2 min easy
x 5
Complete  - 331 Cal and 9.6 miles.  I did this again on the new Assault Bike,  I had a little better score this week I think because my easy pace was a bit faster.  This felt pretty good pushing for all sets




Swim Tec Work
25 min of swimming, I was working on breathing and staying relaxed.  I was talking w a lady there at the pool, who I guess swims a lot, and she was trying to tell me how to engage my core more while I was swimming.  So I was trying to figure that out too.  


150 calls assault bike
1 mile Run
17:22  - This felt pretty good.  I got done with the Assault Bike @ 10:20.  I was keeping around 315 Watt for most of it, I feel like that is a pace that I could keep at the comp after the swim along with not blowing up my legs for the beach run.  The run felt great except for the first 200m.  I felt like I was keeping a strong pace especially the last 600m.  I was surprised to see the time when I made it back into the gym.  I don't know, but I enjoyed it.  


Workout #2 ;  On an 8 min running Clock; 4 min to find a Max Hang Snatch with the Remaining 4 min find a max Clean
Hang Snatch Warmup:  135lbs;  2 @ 155lbs;  175lbs;  185lbs;  205lbs;  215lbs;  225lbs;  235lbs  - These felt good.  I Hit one squat Clean after each rep.
245lbs on the Snatch (PR)  - I missed 250 twice.  The first I threw behind me and the second was slightly forward.  
275lbs on the Clean.  I caught 295 3 times.  The weight felt light on the pull and catch.  I just hit a sticking point on the FS coming out for some reason.  I just wasn't warmed up enough, so I didn't push it.  I know that I will be able to get that or more at the comp.  
I was feeling good after the 8 min.  I knew that I could hit 250 HS  so I rested 12 min and gave it a shot.  I missed the first one then nailed it - 250lb Hang Snatch (PR).  It felt better than 245lbs.  I know that it wasn't part of the program but I was feeling it and I knew that I could get it.  I still feel good now physically and I'm pumped up for those weights.  


Workout #3
For Time:
10 Thrusters @ 155lbs
7 MUs
10 Power Snatch @155lbs
7 MUs
10 OHS @ 155lbs
7 MUs
6:00  - Breathing on the MUs was the worst part for some reason.  Thrusters and OHS were UB, the snatches were singles.  and I broke on the last 2 sets of MUs.  It was good to feel this one out, I think that I can bring my time down a good bit.  The MUs kinda surprised me, but now I know.  

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