Wednesday, September 3, 2014



20 min Z1 Airdyne
30-45 min Mobility
Complete - Took it real easy today, I feel rested and good.


A.  Freestanding HS Hold Tec Work
Complete - This was fun, nice way to warm up.  My longest Hold was 44 seconds (beat that Gabrielle) and the others were on avg 20 - 30 seconds.  

B1.  Muscle Ups;  7 for Time x 5;  Rest 1 min
0:25;  0:24;  0:24;  0:23;  0:24  - These felt good today 

B2.  Deficit (3'') Strict HSPU;  10 for Time x 5;  Rest 2 min
0:39;  0:35;  0:42;  0:50;  1:15  - These felt good but my shoulders were feeling it on the last 2 sets and I had to take longer rest.  

C.  Clean & Jerk;  5 singles @ 85% 1RM;  Rest 2 min
Complete @ 240lbs  - I really wasn't sure what weight to use.  My PR is 275 but that was a power clean, other than that I haven't found a max in a long time.  But these felt good.  

Squat Snatch @ 200lbs
Legless Rope Climbs
9:40  - I was excited when I saw this.  I would have like to had gotten a better time.  I got in a rush and failed the first rep on my set of o3 and the first rep on the set of 2.  I just barely lost them in front of me. I also did these in my nanos rather than my lifters.  I also think that I did an extra rep on my set of 4.  Just to be on the safe side I did and extra one.  The snatches really felt good so did the rope climbs.  



A.  Deadlift;  3 Reps on the Min for 10 min 295-335lbs
Complete all @ 335lbs - This felt good, I took my time warming up and 335 felt good, all reps were TnG

B.  Shoulder Bridge Single Leg Curl;  12-15 x 4 per Leg;  Rest 90 sec bw Legs
15 per Leg x 4 -  I have never done these before so I looked up some videos;  I did them all on a Swiss Ball (an ab ball).  These were kinda tough with the stability involved.  

15 min AMRAP
15 KBS @ 2pood
15 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24''
6 + 18  - This was a gasser, the only reason to stop was the discomfort.  This felt good though, all KBS were UB and transitions were smooth, BBJ were steady but as always could have been faster

Swim/run 30-60 min easy
Mobility Work
Complete - 30 min of light running.  I'm going to work on mobility and possibly som Z1 AD for the nest hour and a half till class.  I feel good today

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