Saturday, June 21, 2014




20 min AMRAP
10 Strict Pull-Ups
5 Strict HSPU
30 Sec Side Plank R
30 Sec Side Plank L
9 + 8  - This was fun and felt good.  All HSPU were unbroken but I had to break up the PU.  


5 Rounds For Time
15 Push Press @ 95lbs
10 C2B Pull-Ups
5 Ring Dips
7:50  - This was tough, pretty soon after starting I could feel the earlier workout.  The movements felt good.  All PP were unbroken and I only broke once on the PU.  My hands were actually hurting holding onto the pull-up bar, i guess that means its time to take down the clauses.  I feel like I could have moved through the transitions quicker.  


For Time
30 Power Snatch @ 135lbs
30 Thrusters @ 135lbs
30 Hang Power Clean @ 135lbs
30 Front Squat @ 135lbs
30 Deadlift @ 135lbs
30 Back Squat @ 135lbs
18:36 - I think that this is the right time, there is a possibility that it was 17:36.  I had to get up to the gym early this morning to do this workout before getting on the road for a wedding a few hours away.  I have the time written down in my journal at the gym but its not here in front of me as i'm typing this.  This workout was fun.  my goal was to stay consistent throughout.  I feel like I did this pretty well except maybe on the DL.  I was getting a pretty sharp pain in my lower back on my right side only on the DL.  I enjoyed this, except for working out so early in the morning.  Gabrielle was there to workout with me though, that always helps.  

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