Saturday, June 14, 2014




5 Rounds For Time
Row 1 K
15 Thrusters @ 95lbs
15 C2B Pull-Ups
15 Burpee
( Record Pace Per Round)
Round 1 - 6:53
Round 2 - 14:43
Round 3 - 22:51
Round 4 - 31:26
Round 5 - 39:28
I was looking forward to this workout, It was hard but it was nice to get a longer metcon and just get into a grove.  The rows I tried to keep at a 1:55 pace or quicker, the last 1000m I was keeping right under a 2:00 pace and I was working to maintain that.  The thrusters and C2B felt pretty good.  The first 2 sets of thrusters I broke in half, but the last 3 were all UB - breaking didn't save me any energy or time.  The C2B I had to break on, I found that 5/5/5 was the most efficient for me.  The burpees were good, def not fast but they were consistent. I Enjoyed this.


Zone 1 60-90 min Hike
75 min Complete - this was perfect.  I had the afternoon off from the gym, Gabrielle came with me and we went and picked blueberries and went swimming then took a long walk.  Today was super nice.  Now I'm ready to cook a big dinner.  


30 sec Max Rep KBS 2 2pood
30 sec Max Rep Box Jump @ 24''
30 sec Max Rep Calories on Airdyne
Rest 7:30
x 5
16  14  16
17  14  15
17  17  12
17  16  13
17  16  13
This was a good one, I enjoyed it.  I was pretty gassed at the end of each round but I felt recovered well before the start of the nest.  The biggest drop off I could feel was in the power output on the AD.  It took a bit to get in the rhythm of rebounding BJ but I was trying to do them throughout.  My calves feel good after the 5 sets, I'm happy with that.  KBS felt great.  

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