Wednesday, December 4, 2013




A.  Snatch Pulls; 5 x 5;  Rest 3 min
185lbs; 195lbs; 205lbs; 215lbs; 225lbs - These felt good and fast, I held positioning through out each rep.  

B.  Power Snatch;  2,2,1,1;  Rest 2 min
Warm up to 155lbs;  2 @ 165lbs;  2 @ 175lbs;  2 @ 180lbs;  2 @ 185lbs;  2 @ 190lbs;  1 @ 195lbs;
1 @ 200lbs;  1 @ 205lbs; I hit 210 but i just barely crossed parallel.  These felt strong today, It was nice to come back from a holiday rest and get back into the groove.  

C.  Weighted GH Raises;  4-6 x 5;  Rest 2 min
6 x 5 unweighted.  I haven't done these in the past like I know that I should have, and this is a weak movement for me.  I used a PVC pipe for stabilization and did a 2-3 sec tempo on the eccentric.  


A.  Split Jerk Clusters x 3;  Rest 20 sec/ 3 min
205lbs;  215lbs;  225lbs;  235lbs;  245lbs;  250lbs;  255lbs - These felt pretty good- I still need to consciously focus on my foot work on each rep.  If I don't my stance comes in too narrow and I get wobbly up top.  The blocks that I had to use today were a bit too high so if I dipped too much the bumpers would touch.   

5 Rounds for Time
10 Deadlift @ 315lbs
15 Power Snatch @ 95lbs
20 Burpees
--Rest mandatory 90 sec bw Rounds--
27:13 - Im not very happy with this time.  Man this kicked my ass for some reason.  The DL felt good but the snatches next were bad, I was having trouble stringing them together.  The burpees were pretty slow as well but consistent.  I got into my head quick on this one and started to loose my drive and feel sorry for myself.  Today felt great leading up to this workout, this was just tough.  Within a few min after completing this I started to feel great, I needed to get my ass handed to me today after this holiday - and I did.  My splits were 3:18;  3:34;  4:10;  4:58;  5:13.  


Row 1 min
Airdyne 1 min
Run 1 min
x 15
all @ Z1pace w mobility work
I enjoyed this it was nice to get some good aerobic work in and just zone out think and listen to music.  The row and AD I was  averaging 15-17 cal and I ran 200m.  I coculd have easily kept going.  Did some mobility work, trigger point, some core and took a nap in the afternoon.  I'm really not as sore as I thought that I might be after yesterday.  



A.  Squat Snatch; 5 Singles @ 85%1RM; Rest 90 sec
5 % 195lbs - Took my time this morning warming up, these felt good.

B.  Squat Clean;  Build to a Max
Warm up to 225lbs;  1 @ 246lbs;  1 @ 265lbs;  (F) @ 275 x 5 - I was so close to getting this, I caugth it twice, the first time I stalled out above parallel for 5 sec or so.  Tyler Smith one of my good buddies and the prez of the MS weightlifting club was here to watch me.  We videoed several attempts.  with this weight the bar was pulling me slightly forward when I was crossing my knees.  I pulled the bar almost to my throat at extension but the bar was still slightly forward on the catch.  Tyler wants to work with me more on my technique.  

C.  Front Squat; 3,2,1,3,2,1,3,2,1;  Rest 3:30
2 x 3 @ 225lbs;  2 x 3 @ 245lbs;  3 @ 255lbs;  2 @ 265lbs;  1 @ 275lbs;  3 @ 265lbs;  2 @ 275lbs;  
1 @ 285lbs;  3 @ 275lbs;  2 @ 285lbs;  1 @ 295lbs - These felt great today, I kept the weight on the moderate side but form was solid.


A.  Muscle Ups;  2-4 on the min for 15 min
Complete w 4 Unbroken MUs - felt solid

7 Sets for Max Reps
1 min Thruster @ 95lbs
rest 20 sec
1 min C2B Pull-Up
rest 1:40
Thruster:  21,18,18,19.16,16,15
C2B:  22,20,17,14,16, 12, 12
Total  236 reps
This was tough, my shoulders were feeling it.  I ripped my right palm on the 6th set of c2b in 2 places.  I was sweating so bad my hands just kept slipping,  This was a good way to end the day.  

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