Wednesday, October 9, 2013



A.  Squat Snatch;  Build to a Max
Warm up to 155lbs;  2 @ 165lbs;  2 @ 175lbs;  185lbs;  195lbs;  205lbs;  215lbs;  2 x (F) @ 225lbs;  
5 x (F) @  230lbs - 225lbs felt pretty good but I just wasn't catching solid, the pull felt great - legs and back felt strong.  So I added 2.5 to each side so when the catch felt on i would get a PR.  I caught it twice over head and lost it forward both times.  I could have tried to fight it up on the second but I knew that it would not enforce good knee mechanics - so I let it go.  I know that the weight is there, I just feel like I need more work percentage work with quality reps - just haven't been snatching much lately

B.  20 Squat Snatch for Time @ 77% of A  (used 170lbs)
5:11 - not my best effort.  I failed 4 reps, 15,17,19,19 - my core was breaking at the bottom of the catch.  I know that my CNS was taxed.  Not displease with the mornings work, I know that it all helps in the long run.  

Crossfit Open Workout 13.3
12 min AMRAP
150 Wall Balls
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle Ups
259 - failed on the 20th MU right before 12 min.  Not as good as my open score but I was fresh when I did it.  My shoulders were just feeling it from about the 100th wall ball on.  During the open I did the first 100 WB unbroken then 25 and 25.  This time I did the first 60 unbroken then sets of 20 and 25 trying not to burn out, my shoulders were just taxed from the snatches earlier.  I'm pleased with it though - except for the fact that my room mate did it earlier and we ended up tying.  


Row 20 min @ Z1
Mobility work


A  Dead Lift;  Build to a Max
Warm Up to 315lbs;  1 @ 345lbs;  1 @ 365lbs;  1 @ 385 lbs;  1 @ 395lbs;  (F) @ 405lbs - I don't know what the deal is.  I don't see how I got 420 at the beginning of our training and now anything over 400 seems like its stuck to the ground.

B.  Split Jerk; Build to a Max
Warm up to 185lbs;  2 @ 215lbs;  2 @ 225lbs;  1 @ 245lbs;  1 @ 255lbs;  1 @ 265lbs;  
1 @ 275lbs (PR);  (F) @ 280lbs x 4 - Almost had 280, at about 255 I started to feel good and warmed up.  I felt great going for 280 - I was so close.

CrossFir Open Workout 13.2
10 min AMRAP
5 S2OH @ 115lbs
10 Dead Lifts @ 115lbs
15 Box Jumps @ 24''
8 + 22  - I am not happy with this score.  I know when I did the open workouts I was fresh but I didn't come close on this one.  I'm pretty frustrated with this.  I almost feel like I'm in a slump, I keep telling myself that this is all part of the training cycle.  But its hard at times to stay out of my head.  I know that this is the first time that I have followed programming specific for me with long term goals.  I am very happy with the training thus far.  

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