A. Squat Snatch; Build to a Tough Single - Then Drop to 83% & Hit 8 singles;
Rest 2 min Between All Attempts
Warm Up to 135lbs; 2 @ 145lbs; 2 @ 155lbs; 2 @ 165lbs; 2 @ 275lbs; 185lbs; 195lbs; 205lbs;
215lbs; 8 x 1 @ 180lbs - These felt pretty good today. All weights up to 205 felt light and fast, for some reason 215 felt much heavier. All 8 reps at 180 felt great.
B. Back Squat; 6,4,2,6,4,2; Rest 3 min
^ @ 225lbs; 6 @ 265lbs; 6 @ 295lbs; 4 @ 315lbs; 2 @ 335lbs; 6 @ 295lbs; 4 @ 315lbs;
2 @ 335lbs - These were pretty tough but they felt good. I can tell a big improvement in knee and hip mechanics.
For Time
30 Thrusters @ 95lbs
15 MUs
60 Thrusters @ 45lbs
30 C2B Pull-Ups
90 Air Squats
45 T2B
13:50 - This was fun but tough. I broke up the first set of thrusters and MUs with the intention that I wouldn't burn out my shoulders. Looking back I should have just gone for it, I broke them 20/10 and 4/4/4/3. Everything else I just went for.
30 sec Airdyne @ 85%
30 sec Airdyne @ 50%
x 25
277 Avg Watt; 495 Cal - This felt good today, did it first thing this morning before the 8 o'clock class. I was focused on keeping the watts higher on the 50% effort segments. This brought down my 85% effort slightly but it all evened out in the end. I was keeping between 390 and 430 watt on the 85%.
OC Throwdown Qualifier #3
4 min AMRAP
8 Thruster @ 115lbs
8 T2B
5 +14; 94 reps - I did everything unbroken, the last 90 sec stated to hurt a bit. Quads, hip flexors, and shoulders were lit up. It was pretty fun though.
OC Throwdown Qualifier #3
4 min AMRAP
8 Thruster @ 115lbs
8 T2B
5 +14; 94 reps - I did everything unbroken, the last 90 sec stated to hurt a bit. Quads, hip flexors, and shoulders were lit up. It was pretty fun though.