Tuesday, August 6, 2013



A.  Split Jerk; Build to a max
5 @ 135lbs;  3 @ 185lbs;  3 @ 205lbs;  2 @ 225lbs;  1 @ 235lbs;  1 @ 245lbs;  1 @ 255lbs;
1 @ 265lbs;  1 @ 270lbs(PR);  1 @ 275lbs(PR);  3 x (F) @ 280lbs - I was pleased with this today.  I know that I could get 280, I was so close just had trouble committing at that last split second.  The weight was heavy but felt good on the dip and drive,  it was just that last lockout.   

B.  C2B Pull-Ups; 20 x 5 Unbroken
Complete - Unbroken.  My posterior delt was starting to get a pain on my right shoulder on the last 2 sets.  

C.  50 Strict HSPU for Time
5:00 - Not the time that I wanted but I was taking it a little easy on my right shoulder.  It actually started feeling better as the workout went on.  But I was still cautious on it.  


A.  7 Sets to Find  Max Unbroken Double Unders
31,  47,  30,  48,  19,  43,  19 - This was a bit frustrating, I know that I am improving slowly.  but damn

Airdyne 10 min for Max Calories
364 Avg Watt; 251 Cal - I tried not to completely gas myself on the first sprint this time, I kept it under 1000 watt.  Then pretty quickly into the 400s and settled in around mid 300s.  I took it back up on the last 60 sec.  I'm not sure if I should have gone out harder then fought more to hold on, but when I was through this time I felt better than I ever have before.  

On a side note my shoulder is feeling back to normal today, I think I just strained it a little on the jerks yesterday.

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