Wednesday, July 17, 2013




A.  Split Jerk Clusters 1.1.1 x 3; Rest 15 sec/ 3 min
1 @ 185lbs;  1 @ 195lbs;  2 @ 205lbs;  1 @ 215lbs;  1 @ 225lbs;  1 @ 235lbs;  1 @ 245lbs;
1 @ 250lbs - These felt pretty good I was happy to get 250.  I threw 1 @ 245 in front of me but I made it back up.  250 got wobbily at the top and my back started to arch so I called it.

B.  Weighted Ring Dips; 4-5 x 5; Rest 3 min
5 @ 35lbs;  5 @ 40lbs;  5 @ 45lbs;  5 @ 50lbs;  5 @ 55lbs;  5 @ 60lbs;  5 @ 65lbs;  4 @ 70lbs - These felt good as well I might have been able to go up a bit higher but I was running pretty tight on time, I wanted to get the rows in before the lunch class.
Row Sprints 45 sec @ 100%; Rest 3:15 x 6
259m;  258m;  259m;  257m;  253m;  250m - these got tough on the 4th and 5th set.  I kinda died on the last 6 sec or so on the 6th set. 


5 Sets:
10 Dead Lift @ 315lbs
10 Strict HSPU
200m Farmers Walk w/ 2pood per Hand
3:00;  3:36;  3:37;  3:47;  357 - This was fun, I thought that the dead lifts would be the hardest part but the farmers cary ended up being the most taxing.  All the DL and HSPU were unbroken the first set of farmers cary was strait through but the last ones were 2 breaks, 2 breaks, them 3 breaks on the last two.  I was stoked about the DLs


Airdyne 1 min @ 85%
Airdyne 1 min @ 50%
x 10
262 avg watt, 376 cal - This felt pretty good but tough I've never done 60 and 60.  I tried to hold 400 watt on the 85% but my 50%  ended up getting pretty low anywhere between 90 and 170 watts.
15 min Double Under Work
My quads were smoked going into this it was hard to jump in rhythm with the rope.  i kept moving the whole 15 min.  I was doing sets of 10 to 20 on average, with a few sets of 30.  
Airdyne 10 min @ Z1
200 avg watt, 145 cal - This felt good just took it as a good cool down, it was super muggy today and I was sweating buckets.  After changing cloths and drying off I went and took a nap it was a good day.



A.  Weighted Supinated Chin-Ups @21x1, 4-5 x 5; Rest 2 min
2 x 5 @ 26lbs;  1 x 5 @ 31lbs; 1 x 5 @ 35lbs;  1 x 5 @ 37.5lbs;  1 x @ 40lbs;  1 x 4 @ 42.5lbs - These felt pretty good I thouoght that I might be able to go higher but I wanted to stick to the tempo.   
B.  Muscle Ups; 4 EMOM for 10 min
Complete all unbroken

C2B Pull-Ups
Unbroken Wallballs
3:32 - I did all wallballs unbroken and the first set of C2B, I broke the last 2 sets 9/6 and 5/4.  I was pretty happy with this transitions and the breaks were short.


Sled Drag Sprints; 50m Heavy Load(90lbs w 15lb sled); Rest 2 min x 8; Rest 5 Min bw 4/5
0:38;  0:39;  0:37;  0:423;  0:43;  1:25 - This was my bad I remembered the programming wrong,  I ended up doing 50m down and 50m back each sprint.  This was mid afternoon and the temp was in the mid 90s with high humidity,  on the 6th sprint I started to bonk and get lightheaded so I called it.  The first 3 sprints recovery felt okay but then I just started to overheat.  

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