Wednesday, August 6, 2014



A.  Squat Snatch;  Build to a Tough Single
Warm Up to 135lbs;  155lbs;  175lbs;  185lbs;  195lbs;  205lbs;  215lbs;  225lbs;  235lbs;  
(F) @ 245 x 5  - These felt really good today.  I didn't miss until I attempted a new PR at 245.  They were all real close as well.  I nailed myself in the cock on the last attempt, I called it after I finally got up off the ground.  I know that I can get this and I'm sure a bit more. 

B.  OHS;  5 x 5;  Rest 2 min
135lbs;  185lbs;  205lbs;  225lbs;  235lbs;  245lbs;  255lbs x 4  - Ii was so close to getting 255 I lost it forward coming up on the 5th rep.  These felt great, I really like OHS.

Run 5k for Time
21:45  - I'm not happy about this at all.  I wanted to get sub 20 min.  I ran this on the Madison Central High School track, 12 1/2 laps.  I could only get my mom to meet me up there to count my laps and keep my time.  I was hoping that she miscounted but she said she was pretty sure she got it right.  My first 400 saw a 1:30.  I felt that I pushed the whole time and that I was consistent through out but apparently I had a big drop off.  well it is what it is.  


A.  Strict Press Clusters 5.5.5 x 3;  Rest 30 sec / 3 min
95lbs;  115lbs;  135lbs;  145lbs;  155lbs  - 145 and 155 got tough, I didn't think that I was going to get the last set @ 155.  

B.  30 Muscle Ups for Time;  Rest 5 min x 2
4:39 and 7:17  -  This was tough.   The first set was slower than I wanted, I started out with no pacing. The first 20 were done in 2 min or so and then I failed on the 27th and 30th rep.  I don't know what happened here, OHS and Press Clusters I guess.  The 2nd set was tough, I was doing sets of 3 and 2.  My left hand ripped with 4 reps left and I had to do singles.  I'm glad to have done this I think that it will help a lot.

C.  100 Strict HSPU for Time ( in Sets of 5 Unbroken Only)
14:29  - This was a challenge.  The first 60 felt good.  I was giving myself rest between sets from the start in hopes of not burning out and doing more reps than I had to.  However I failed on the 5th rep of my last set so I had to rest and reattempt to finish.  My shoulders are done.  



A.  Banded Deadlift;  2 Reps on the Min for 10 min ( moderate load, high speed, reset each rep)
Complete @ 315lbs w blue bands  - These felt good. The weight was good, the bar moved quickly but it was still tough.  

B.  Hang Squat Snatch;  5 Reps on the min for 10 min
Complete with 115lbs  - These felt good, my shoulders were feeling it from yesterday and took a bit to warm up.  All were smooth and UB.

10--> 1
Deadlift @ 225lbs
Bar Facing Burpee
Row Calories
11:59  - All Dl were UB, everything else felt pretty smooth.  

Run 45 min @ Z1 Continuous (walk as needed)
Complete  - This felt good.  Its sunny, hot and muggy here so I got a real good sweat going.  Gabrielle came with me, that is always nice.  Its a good way to end the day.  

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