A. Push Press; Build to A 5RM
95lbs; 115lbs; 135lbs; 155lbs; 175lbs; 185lbs; 195lbs; 205lbs; 215lbs; 4 @ 225lbs;
3 x 4 @ 230lbs - This was frustrating. I kept failing at locking out the 5th rep at 225 and 230. I just barely missed 225 on the last rep just pushing it out in front of me a bit. I knew I had more so I moved up to 230. The first 4 on all 3 attempts felt strong, I just couldn't lock out the 5ht rep. Physically I felt great, I was rested and recovered this morning.
B. 30 Burpee Muscle Ups for Time
6:03 - This felt pretty good, I would have liked to have gone a bit faster. My shoulders were kinda feeling it on the dips, I was just trying to stay consistent throughput.
C1. AMRAP (-2) Unbroken C2B Pull-Ups x 4; Rest 1 min
21, 18, 16, 16
C2. AMRAP Unbroken Strict Press @ 95lbs x 4; Rest 1 min
21, 16, 12, 12 - The presses were the toughest part, my shoulders were burning, my right knee was shaking on most of these. The Pull-Ups felt pretty good.
Row Sprint 45 sec @ 100% Rest as needed to full Recovery x 6 (Record rest times)
1 - 255m 4:30 R
2 - 260m 5:00 R
3 - 256m 5:30 R
4 - 256m 5:30 R
5 - 251m 6:00 R
6 - 252m
I don't know what happened here. I went all out again today - the same as last week - but I was much slower here. I don't know if my shoulders were more fatigued and it was affecting my pull, or the heat this afternoon, or I was just pussed out.
A. Power Clean x 3 / Hang Power Clean x 3; Rest 2 min x 5 Compleses
135lbs; 155lbs; 165lbs; 175lbs; 185lbs; 195lbs; 205lbs; 215lbs; 220lbs; 225lbs - These felt pretty good, my grip on the HPC was a limiter here, as well as my hip power.
B. Front Squat; Build to A 3RM
225lbs; 255lbs; 275lbs; 295lbs; 305lbs; 315lbs - I'm happy about this, this is definitely a PR for a 3Rm. It was really tough on the 3rd rep but it was smooth feeling, no sticky points.
6 Rounds for Time:
6 Deradlift @ 315lbs
6 Front Squats @ 225lbs
11:30 - This was tough. The DL felt good but based me for the FS. The first set of DL was UB then all the other sets including FS were 3/3. Breathing was the issue here.
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