Wednesday, February 26, 2014



A.  Power Snatch; 2,2,1,1; Rest 2 min
2 x 2 @ 135lbs; 2 x 2 @ 155lbs;  2 @ 165lbs;  2 @ 175lbs;  2 @ 185lbs;  2 @ 195lbs;  1 @ 205lbs;
1 @ 210lbs - These felt good today, I wasn't going for a max just good quality reps.  The doubles weren't TnG, but lift- reset- lift as quickly as possible.

4 Sets @ 100%
10 TnG Poswer Snatch @ 95lbs
10 Box Jumps @ 20''
--Rest 4 min--
0:37;  0:33;  0:33;  0:32 - These felt great today, I was totally recovered between sets.


A.  Front Squat;  3 x 3;  Rest 2 min
3 @ 185lbs;  3 @ 205lbs;  3 @ 225lbs;  3 @ 245lbs;  3 @ 265lbs;  3 @ 275lbs;  3 @ 285lbs;
3 @ 295lbs - These felt strong today.  I didn't know with the first open workout on Fri. if I should push the weight too much or just focus on fast bar speed and not struggling terribly on the last set.  All reps at 295 felt good.   

B.  Muscle Ups;  1 Set AMRAP Unbroken
13 - I'm pretty happy with this.  My grip on the turnover into the dip was getting squarely on the 13th so I didn't attempt the 14th.  I was kinda disappointed that I didn't attempt the 14th when I hit the ground.  But this is still a PR.

3 Rounds
30 Wall balls @ 20lbs
10 T2B
3:59 - I'm pleased with this, my goal was sub 4min.  Everything was unbroken and the transition time was minimal.  


Airdyne 20 sec Sprint @ 100% Slow Spin Recovery 2:10 x 5
23cal;  24cal;  20cal;  20cal;  20cal - These felt good they hurt but I felt good about them.  

Rest 5 min
Airdyne 10 min @ Z1
Complete - My Z1 today was pretty easy, I didn;t look at the Cal after I finished. I just used this time to relax and get my head right for the next 5 weeks.  

Monday, February 24, 2014



10 Thrusters @ 105lbs
Row 500m @ 85%
Rest 2 min 
x 4
2:11; 2:13;  2:11:  2:14 


10 Poser Cleans @ 105lbs
Airdyne 90 sec @ 85%
Rest 2 min 
x 4
1:56 - 32 Cal
1:54 - 29 Cal
1:50 - 33Cal
1:51 - 31 Cal
These felt pretty good today, My quads were feeling tight on the rows, but good.  The barbell movements felt nice and quick the transition took a few seconds and the row and AD felt good.

C2B Pull-Ups
….Rest Exactly 60 sec
30 Muscle Ups for Time
3:36 on the 21-15-9, So I started the 30 for time at 4:36.  I want to say that I finished at 10:43, but it could have been at 11:43.  I did this workout with Gabrielle, when I finished I wrote my time on the board then watched her finish.  She did 15 MU instead of 30, and she did great.  But while I was watching her another one of our coaches erased the white board getting ready for our upcoming class and my times with it.  Thanks Miles.  I was surprised at how tough the MUs were after the first part.  I did mostly doubles with 2 sets of 3.  This was fun.  

Wednesday, February 19, 2014




A.  Squat Snatch Build to A Max
135lbs;  155lbs;  175lbs;  185lbs;  195lbs;  205lbs;  225lbs;  240lbs PR - These were feeling good today.  Every snatch up to 240 felt great and there were no misses.  After hitting 225 easily I debated trying 235 or just going for 240.  I just went for it, I missed a few times catching it for a few seconds at the bottom then loosing it.  Then got it pretty smoothly.  I'm stoked

B.  30 Squat Snatch for Time @ 185lbs
9:49 - These felt great as well,  I was trying to stay nice and steady and not rush it.  I only missed once on the 29th rep because I was wanting to get a better time.  I looked back through my journal and I did this back on the 17th of jan and it took me 15:56 with 5 failed reps.  


Thrusters @ 135lbs
C2B Pull-Ups
7:00 - This was tough but I was steady through out.  Thrusters were 11/7/3;  6/5/4;  6/4.  I felt good through out all the workouts today.


Off/ Mobility



A.  Power Snatch;  Build to a tough Single
Warm Up to 155lbs;  165lbs;  175lbs;  185lbs;  195lbs; 205lbs - This felt good today, probably could have kept going for a few more pounds but I missed 205 on the first attempt then got it on the second.  The bar was moving fast and I was catching high I just caught the first a bit forward.

For Time
50 Power Snatch @ 95lbs
500m Row
5:43 - This was fun, my quads were feeling it on the last half of the snatches and throughout the row.  I was kinda expecting my lower back to get a bit tight so I set the damper a bit lower than usual.  However my back was feeling good through the whole workout, my quads were on fire and that slowed my turnover on the row.


10 Min AMRAP
10 Dead Lift @ 185lbs
10 Hand Release Bdurpee
10 Box Jumps @ 24''
6+5 - This felt pretty good, everything was unbroken.  My calves were actually getting pretty tight from the box jumps, I was taking a breath at the top and trying to land in a good jumping position and jump as quickly as possible.  My lower back got tight in the last round.  

Saturday, February 15, 2014



5 Rounds
15 KBS @ 1.5pood
15 Thrusters @ 105lbs
9:00 - This got into my lungs, breathing was heavy.  KBS were light and unbroken, I broke the thrusters up on the last 4 sets.  


A.  Push Jerk;  3,2,1,3,2,1; Rest 3 min
Warmed upto 165lbs; 3 @ 185lbs;  3 @ 205lbs;   3@ 225lbs - My left shoulder was feeling tight and was starting to hurt here so I decided that I was just going to call it and not force myself to go heavier than I needed to.  It was hard to call this but I think it was the smart thing to do.

For Time
30 Burpee Muscle Ups
60 C2B Pull-Ups
90 DU's
12:12 - I felt slow on this one.  Just sluggish.  I'm just feeling off today.  I'm going to go eat and take a nap.  
Airdyne 10 min @ Z1
This felt good.  Just reflected on the day.  It was just a bad day.  I'm not going to let it get me down.  I'll be fresh on monday

Wednesday, February 12, 2014




A.  Squat Clean; Build to A Max
Warm Up to 205lbs;  225lbs;  235lbs;  245lbs;  255lbs;  275lbs - This felt good today, I've been trying to hit this weight for the past few months.  I'm stoked about this, the weight has felt good its just been finishing the second pull and catching the weight back over my heels that has been the trouble.  It felt good today.  I didn't try to go up in weight because I knew that I had alot more work ahead.  There will be more to come.  

B1.  Thrusters 5 x 3;  Rest 1 min
185lbs;  2 x 3 @ 205lbs;  Failed on the 3rd rep @ 215lbs;  205lbs

B2.  Muscle Ups; 7 for Time;  Rest 2 min
0:23;  0:22;  0:23;  0:24;  0:24 - These felt good today.  All were unbroken

C.  Front Squat;  3,32,2; Rest 2 min
3 @ 225lbs;  3 @ 255lbs;  3 @ 275lbs;  3 @ 285lbs;  2 x 2 @ 295lbs - These felt pretty good today, I didn't go crazy heavy but the reps were controlled and quality.  


4 min AMRAP
15 Thrusters @ 115lbs
15 C2B Pull-Ups
--Rest 2 min--
4 min AMRAP
15 Thrusters @ 95lbs
15 C2B Pull-Ups
--Rest 2 min--
4 min AMRAP
15 OHS @ 65lbs
15 C2B Pull-Ups
2+5 - The thrusters felt good the first set was UB then three sets of 5 for the second.  The C2B felt pretty good.  The second set got tough.  

2+6 - The thrusters felt good but the C2B were getting tough.

2+18 - OHS felt great I was moving fast.  The C2B were getting tough, I was getting pretty gassed and breaking the C2B too much.  


Airdyne 12 min
Row 12 min
X 2 @ Z1 Pace
AD1 -182 Avg W; 163 Cal
Row1 - 2889M
AD2 - 186 Avg W; 166 Cal
Row2 - 2992M



A.  Power Snatch Clusters 1.1.1 x 3; Rest 20 sec / 3 min
155lbs;  175lbs;  185lbs;  195lbs;  200lbs - These felt good -  I was catching the bar hight - no missed reps

B.  Dewad Lift; 3,3,2,2; Rest 2 min
3 @ 225lbs;  3 @ 275lbs;  3 @ 315lbs;  3 @ 365lbs;  3 @ 385lbs;  3 @ 395lbs;  2 @ 400lbs;
1 @ 400lbs failed on the second rep. - However these were feeling better today. After the first set at 400 I was feeling pretty taxed I had to fight for the second rep.  I wanted to move up in weight 5 more lbs but I 2 min was feeling pretty short, so I went for 400 again and only got 1 rep.  DL still need work but they are getting better.

Row Sprints 15 sec @ 100% rest 2:15 x 6
90m;  90m;  91m;  90m;  90m;  91m - These felt good, I'm mot sure if is good or not I still feel like It takes me a bit to really get pace down.  


Deadlift @ 225lbs
Box Jumps @ 24''
4:07 - My lower back was tight on this.  I had to break on the set of 15 and 9 bc of my back.  I wanted to move faster but... my back was feeling it.  The transitions were fast though. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014



For Time
10 Squat Snatch @ 135lbs
20 Power Snatch @ 135lbs
30 Thrusters @ 135lbs
40 OHS @ 135lbs
50 Unbroken Wall Balls
16:06 - Startin with the thrusters this got tough.  For both thrusters and OHS the first sets were pretty small but as I went along the sets got larger.  The WB were tough, I didn't put the ball down but I caught it twice and took 2-3 breaths.  That really didn't help though, my shoulders were still burning just holding the ball.  


A.  Push Jerk; 5,4,3,2,1;  Rest 3 min
5 @ 135lbs;  5 @ 165lbs;  5 @ 185lbs;  5 @ 205lbs;  5 @ 225lbs;  4 @ 235lbs;  3 @ 240lbs;  
2 @ 245lbs;  1 @ 250lbs - The second rep @ 245 and my single at 255 my right foot stepped back and wanted to split.  The weight felt pretty good, my shoulders were feeling it at the end from yesterday.

B.  Muscle Ups;  15 for Time x 3;  Rest 4 Min
1:22;  1:30;  146 - These felt better than I was expecting considering my shoulders feeling pretty taxed.  The sets went 8/4/3 for the first 2 sets and 8/3/2/2 on the last set.  
Double Unders
4:46 - This felt good, by far my best time on this workout. I tripped up a few times on DUs, but they felt really good.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014




A.  Squat Clean Clusters 1.1.1 x 5;  Rest 20 Sec / 3 Min
215lbs;  225lbs;  235lbs;  245lbs;  255lbs - These felt good today, Strong pull and good catch.  I wasn't trying to push the weight today and focus mainly on technique and quality reps, finishing the second pull completely and pulling the bar back and catching it high .  I was happy with this today.

B1.  Thrusters 5 x 5; Rest 1 Min
155lbs; 165lns; 175lbs; 185lbs; 195lbs - These felt strong the last 2 reps at 195 got tough.

B2.  Muscle Ups;  6 for Time x 5; Rest 1 Min
0:20;  0:20;  0:20;  0:21;  0:23 - All were unbroken, these felt great 

C.  Front Squat; 3 x 3; Rest 2 Min
3 @ 225lbs;  3 @ 255lbs;  3 x 3 @ 275lbs - These felt strong and the position felt good.  My right hip has been acting funny the past few days right at my SI joint.  I have never had this before, it has been annoying first thing in the morning.  I just didn't want to push the weight and really focus on mechanics.  It didn't bother me at all today working out, but it was in my mind.  I have never been to a chiropractor but I am thinking about going, just to check it out.  


For Time
Wall Balls
Hand Release Push-Ups
C2B Pull-Ups
17:33 - This was tougher on my shoulders than I expected.  The HRPU were the most difficult.  All WB were unbroken.  C2B felt pretty good today.  


Airdyne 10 min
Row 10 min
X 2 @ Z1 Pace
135 Cal
136 Cal
This felt good today - took my time just relaxed, stretched and enjoyed the Z1 effort work.


A.  Power Snatch Clusters 2.2.2 x 5;  Rest 20 sec / 3 min
135lbs;  145lbs;  155lbs;  165lbs;  175lbs;  185lbs- These felt pretty good today. 185 was tough for the last 2 sets, my feet were spread a bit wide.  

B.  Dead Lift; 3 x 3; Rest 2 Min.
365lbs;  385lbs;  395lbs - These felt okay positionally but they felt heavy.

Row Sprints 15 sec @ 100%; Rest 2:15 x 5
88m;  87m;  90m;  89m;  93m - These felt good as well.  I feel like with these and any other sprint that It takes me a few seconds to get to 100%


3 Rounds for Time
15 Power Snatch @ 95lbs
15 Box Jumps @ 30''
5:51 - This was fun, everything felt good. The first set of snatches was unbroken then the rest were sets of 5 with short breaks.  The box jumps felt good, I would take a slight pause at the top- land and jump as quickly as possible.  They weren't true rebounds but they were quick.  

Saturday, February 1, 2014



10 Min AMRAP
Row 500m
10 Box Jumps @ 24''
--Rest 5 Min--
10 Min AMRAP
Row 500m
30 DUs
--Rest 5 Min--
10 Min AMRAP
Row 500m
15 KBS @ 2Pood
10 Burpee
4+83m - This felt pretty good, my quads were feeling it on the BJ
4 - DUs felt pretty good, I only tripped up once.
3 - This last one was tough, I was really pushing it here, it felt good to push hard here