Friday, January 31, 2014



A.  Squat Snatch;  Build to a Tough Single
Warm up to 175lbs; 185lbs;  195lbs;  205lbs;  215lbs;  225lbs; - I attempted 235 once and just missed it.  I added 5lbs and tried to PR at 240.  THe weight felt good I was so close.  I know that I will get this weight soon.  I was stoked about this.

20 Min AMRAP
20 Thruster @ 155lbs
20 C2B Pull-Ups
20 Power Snatch @ 255lbs
20 T2B
2+1 - This was killer.  My upper back was pretty taxed after the snatches from earlier.  I thought that I would move through this quicker but the barbells got to me.  On the second round I was actually getting stomach cramps, I've never had these in a workout before.  Even though this kicked my ass I enjoyed it.  

Wednesday, January 29, 2014



A.  Front Squat Clusters 1.1.1 x 3;  Rest 20 sec / 3 min
225lbs;  255lbs;  265lbs;  275lbs;  285lbs;  295lbs;  305lbs - These felt really good today,  I got a bit of a late start this morning because of a dentist appointment.  But got in stretched and the weight felt good.

B.  Squat Clean;  AMRAP sets of 3 @ 185lbs in 4 min
8 - These didn't feel so good today.  Within the first 4 sets I started to burp whatever the dentist was using this morning and I just felt gross.

For Time
100 Thrusters @95lbs
(15 DUs on the Top of Each  Min)
8:48 - This was tough, Not a whole lot to say about it.  95 got heavy after the 75th rep.  Besides the FS today was a bit off.  After going to get my teeth whitened my teeth and gums are pretty sore and sensitive and I've had a slight headache.  Physically I feel good


500m Row @ 100%
Rest 12 min
x 3
1:28;  1:30.2;  1:32.5 - I am  not pleased with these times.  My quads were tightening up with around 150m left and I could feel my back not staying tight at the end.  Geeze

15 Min AD @ Z1
172 Avg Watt
190 Cal
This felt good - my legs were a bit tight at the beginning but this helped, broke a real good sweat here.


12 min AMRAP
30 OHS @ 155lbs - buy in
10 Dead lifts @ 185lbs
10 S2OH @ 135lbs
10 HR Burpee Box Jumps @ 24''
3+24 - This was tough.  I had to break twice on the OHS, and when I got to the first set of OHS my quads had no drive in them.  It came back in the last 3 sets of the OHS.  HRBBJ ate up alot of time.  DL were all unbroken and felt good.  This was a good workout - I enjoyed it

Saturday, January 25, 2014



A.  Squat Snatch; 7 Singles @ 85% 1RM; Rest 90 sec
Complete @ 200lbs - these felt good today.  I had a good warm-up, but built up quickly.  

B.  Back Squat; 3,3,2,2; Rest 3 min
2 x 3 @ 225lbs;  3 @ 255lbs;  3 @ 275lbs;  3 @ 295lbs;  3 @ 315lbs;  3 @ 325lbs;  2 @ 335lbs;
2 @ 345lbs - These felt pretty good.  My back was a bit tight but really didn't bother me, but I did use a bit of caution.  

5 Rounds for Time
35 Unbroken Wall Balls
50 Double Unders
14:53 - This was tough.  My shoulders were burning after the second round.  I broke on the DUs and used that as my rest.  WB felt pretty good, I was able to move between the two fairly quickly.


A1.  Push Press;  5 x 5; Rest 2 min
135lbs;  145lbs;  155lbs;  165lbs;  175lbs;  185lbs;  195lbs;  205lbs - These felt really good today

A2.  Weighted Pull-Ups; 2-3 x 5;  Rest 2 min
3 @ 26lbs;  3 @ 31lbs;  3 @ 36lbs;  3 @ 40lbs;  3 @ 53lbs;  3 @ 58lbs;  3 @ 63lbs - Felt pretty good as well

Muscle Up
Parallete HSPU
--Rest 5 Min--
10 min AMRAP
10 C2B Pull-Ups
10 Push Press @ 135lbs
10 Box Jumps @ 24''
3:48 - This was fun I haven't done PHSPU in a while.  I had to break on the PHSPU 4/1; 3/1;  3; 2; 1.  The MUs felt great.

5+9 - All C2B were unbroken, The PP were the toughest part.  Felt pretty good though.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014



A.  Power Snatch;  Build to a Max
warm up to 175lbs;  185lbs; 195lbs;  205lbs;  215lbs - These felt pretty good today I didn't have any misses before 215.  I caught it right at parallel.  This was a PR.  I'm stoked.

12 Min AMRAP
12 Dead Lifts @ 225lbs
9 Push Press @ 135lbs
6 Box Jumps
6+13 - This was tough.  Controlling my breathing was the toughest part.  Moving from DL to PP my breathing and heart rate just jumped up.  I ended up having to take several seconds moving from BJ back to DL.  


Row 30 min @ Z1
7237m  -  Good easy pace.  Felt good


A.  Squat Clean Clusters x 5;  Rest 20 sec / 3 min
185lbs;  205lbs;  215lbs;  225lbs;  235lbs;  240lbs;  245lbs;  250lbs - These felt good this morning.  I took some time to warm up well and was focusing on pulling the bar back and catching over the front of my heal.  The pulls and catch were feeling on today.  I was pleased.

4 min AMRAP
4 Thrusters @ 135lbs
4 Muscle Ups
--Rest 8 min--
4 min AMRAP
8 OHS @ 95lbs
8 C2B Pull-Ups
--Rest 8 min--
4 min AMRAP
16 Wall Balls
16 T2B
4+6  - This felt alright no real breaks, i had to break up the last 2 sets of MUs into sets of 2.

4+11 - These felt pretty good my grip on C2B started to get taxed at the end

3+9 - This was fun it felt good and pretty smooth

Saturday, January 18, 2014



A.  Front Squat 5 x 5;  Rest 3 min
185lbs;  225lbs;  245lbs;  255lbs;  265lbs;  275lbs;  280lbs - These felt good today, my legs were feeling strong.  on the 5th rep at 275 and 280 my left elbow was dropping and causing me to lean forward a bit rounding a bit in my thoracic.  I'm mot sure what was causing this, maybe my shoulder.  I dropped down to 245 and did 2 sets very controlled focusing on keeping my upper back tight.

B.  Squat Snatch; 30 for Time @ 185lbs
15:56 - with 5 failed reps.  This was just a little slower than I was wanting.  The failed reps took their tole.  I lost one behind me and the rest were lost because I was unsteady standing up.  The weight felt good.  I enjoyed this it was a challenge.

200 Wall Balls for Time
9:18 - This got tough alot quicker than I was expecting, my shoulders were burning.  I broke the last 100 up into sets of 10.  And tried to get back on it as quickly as possible.


30 min AMRAP
5 Muscle Ups
10 Push Jerk @ 135lbs
15 T2B
20 Cal Airdyne
25 Double Unders
6+35 - This was fun.  Everything felt good today.  The T2B was the limiter on this one.  All PJ were unbroken.  I tried to keep a 200W pace on the AD, and the DUs were smooth.   

Wednesday, January 15, 2014



A.  Squat Snatch x 1/ Hang Squat Snatch x 3/ OHS x 5 ; Rest 3 min x 5
2 @ 115lbs;  125lbs;  135lbs;  145lbs;  155lbs;  165lbs;  175lbs - These fel t pretty good today.  Keeping a good grip on the bar was the tough.  I could feel that my shoulders were feeling a bit taxed on the last set of OHS so I called it.  

B.  Thrusters;  100 for Time @ 95lbs ( 90 sec break each time you put down the bar)
9:37 -  I broke after 27/44/61/77.  The sets weren't as big as I was hoping.  This was tough, my shoulders were burning.  

10 min AMRAP
30 DUs
3 MUs
9 - This was pretty fun, i wanted 10 rounds.  I was on pace but my breathing on DUs started to get me in the 7th min or so.  I was having to take a break before each set.  DUs are getting alot better but but still need more work.  


10 Min Airdyne for Max Calories
236 Cal; 334 Avg Watt - This wasn't my best but it was tough.  I went out pretty hard the first 65-70 sec, I got 50 cal or so then my pace dropped a good bit.  My lungs were burning at the end.  

Rest 10 Min

Row 20 Min @ Z1
4541M - This was a easy row, it felt good to work out the AD


A.  Split Jerk; 15 Singles @ 85% 1RM; Rest 2 min
Complete at 255lbs - This felt heavy today.  I wasn't dropping very well.  After the 8th rep I was failing almost 1 to 1.  It was frustrating, but I got through it.

B.  Push Jerk TnG 6,6,6,6,6; Rest 3 min
135lbs;  155lbs; 165lbs;  175lbs;  285lbs;  205lbs - These felt pretty good I would have liked to have kept going but class was about to start.  My right shoulder got a bit unstable on one of the 195 TnG so I decided to call it.  I started fairly light to make sure all reps were really TnG

Power Clean @ 225lbs
--Rest 5 min--
10 Min AMRAP
10 Power Snatch @ 95lbs
10 Burpee
10 Box Jumps @ 24''
18 - I had no drive with my hips on this, the weight felt super heavy.  Not really happy with this score
5 + 6 - This felt pretty good, Nice and steady through the whole workout.  

Saturday, January 11, 2014



A.  Power Clean & Jerk; 5 TnG on the min for 10 min (115-155lbs)
Complete all @ 155lbs - These felt good.  I was able to control my breathing and get it back down before the start of each set.

12 Min AMRAP
75 Thrusters @ 115lbs
50 Burpee
25 Box Jumps @ 30''
1 + 5; 155 total reps - This was tough, I felt pretty good about it though.  I kept moving well, no breaks to speak of.  The thrusters got tough, I started doing sets of 5 at around rep 30.  Burpee and BJ were consistent.  BJ felt good and pretty quick.  This was a gasser. 


A.  Muscle Ups;  AMRAP in 1 Min x 7;  Rest 1 min
12,  9,  8,  7,  7,  7,  7 - My shoulders were feeling it this morning from yesterday.  These felt good but I was wanting to get a few more per set, my shoulders were just taxed.

3 min AMRAP
3 Dead Lifts @ 315lbs
3 Strict HSPU
--Rest 6 min--
6 min AMRAP
6 Power Clean @ 185lbs
6 Ring Dips
--Rest 9 min--
9 min AMRAP
9 KBS @ 2pood
9 Push Press @ 95lbs
6 on the 3 min AMRAP - The DL felt pretty good here,  It was the HSPU that were the toughest part - shoulders.
6 on the 6 min AMRAP - The Cleans were tougher today than I was expecting, The dips felt good though
9 on the 9 min AMRAP - This felt okay , again shoulders.  Even though I didn't get all the numbers that I was hoping for today, I'm okay with this.  I know I need to get my shoulders stronger and build their endurance and capacity under fatigue.  

Wednesday, January 8, 2014



A.  Squat Snatch;  7 Singles @ 80%;  Rest 90 Sec
Complete @ 190lbs - Warmed up good and completed all reps with no failed attempts.  These felt good today

B1.  Thrusters @ 95lbs x 10 Unbroken;  Rest 75 Sec

B2.  C2B Pull-Ups x 10 Unbroken;  Rest 75 Sec
Complete - These felt good

10 Min AMRAP @ 80%
Row 1 K
50 Wall Balls
30 T2B
1 + 780m - this felt good, held a 1:45 pace for the first 1000m, wall balls were unbroken ( I thoiught that I would break them at 30 but they were feeling smooth)  and the T2B were 12/10/8.  The last row was at 1:53-1:55 pace.  Breathing felt good.  


Row 500m @ 85%
Rest 2 min
x 12
( Rest 5 min bw sets 6/7)
1:39.6;  1:38.9;  1:39.7;  1:38.9;  1:39.5;  1:40.5
1:40.0;  1:40.0;  1:40.3;  1:40.4;  1:40.2;  1:41.0
These felt good today, as good as row intervals can feel.  The last couple got pretty tough.  It was always the last 100m that I started huffing and puffing pretty loud.   


A.  Split Jerk;  15 Singles @ 85% 1RM; (Rest 2 min)
Complete @ 245lbs - Worked my way up slowly, these felt pretty good.

B.  100 Push-Press for Time @ 75lbs
3:33 - felt good, did 10 sets of 10.  kept the breaks short.  

12 min AMRAP
12 Dead Lifts @ 185lbs
12 Box Jumps @ 24''
12 OHS @ 95lbs
6+1 - This got tough, I kept moving steady.  My lower back was tightening up on the DL about half way through.  I had to break the last three sets of them.  All OHS were unbroken.  All BJ were strait through, I stepped down on most.  This felt good.

Saturday, January 4, 2014



A.  Snatch;  build to a Max
Warm up to 175lbs;  185lbs;  195lbs;  (F) @ 205lbs;  215lbs;  (F) @ 225lbs;  235lbs (PR) I knew that this was coming.  I wasn't really worried about missing 205 and 225, it was only technique just caught them a little forward.  The weight was moving well and I knew that I wanted 235.  I missed a few attempts before I got it they were all really close.  I'm stoked.  

Open Workout 13.5 ( If you don't make it through the 1st round rest exactly 12 min and repeat)
82;  52 - This didn't feel good.  On the first go my thrusters felt good.  It was my C2B on the last set that got me, my breathing was getting to me as well.  I was gassed after.  I was exhausted starting the 2nd workout.  My body just felt like it didn't have anything left in it to push, my breathing was getting painful on the 1st set of C2B as well.  I've had drainage the past several mornings, the weather has been crazy changing around here lately, alot of folks are getting the crud.  Thats no excuse that workout just got me.  


A.  Power Clean; Build to a 5RM TnG
135lbs;  155lbs;  165lbs;  175lbs;  185lbs;  195lbs;  205lbs;  215lbs;  225lbs;  3 @ 235lbs - I just lost my grip coming down on 235.  These felt good today.  Nice and tight reps - feet weren't spreading on the catch.  

Power Clean @ 185lbs
Burpee Box Jumps @ 24''
10:06 - This felt alright.  my quads and lower back were feeling it about 5 min in.  I kept moving nice and steady throughout.  PC could have been faster.  Cleans felt pretty light though.