Saturday, June 29, 2013



A.  Press 5,4,3,2,1; Rest 2 min
2 x 5 @ 95lbs;  1 x 5 @ 115lbs;  1 x 5 @ 135lbs;  1 x 5 @ 145lbs;  1 x 4 @ 155lbs;  1 x 3 @ 165lbs;
3 x 1 @ 175lbs - failed on the second rep of each, got it stuck each time at the top of my head;  
1 x (F) @ 180lbs - I wasn't happy at all with this.  I was feeling pretty good at the start but just didn't get to the weight that I expected.  I was pretty bummed

B1.  Incline Bench Press; 3-5 x 5; Rest 30 sec.
1 x 5 @ 165lbs;  1 x 5 @ 175lbs;  1 x 4 @ 185lbs;  1 x 3 @ 190lbs;  1 x 3 @ 195lbs - I'm pretty sure that I had a little bit of help from my spotter on the last rep of the last set.

B2.  Weighted Chin-Ups 1-2 x 5; Rest 3 min
2 x 2 @ 58lbs;  1 x 2 @ 63lbs;  1 @ 68lbs;  1 @ 73lbs

C1.  Bent Over Barbell Rows 2-4 x 3; Rest 1 min
3 x 5 @ 225lbs

C2.  Ring Dips;  25 for Time x 3;  Rest 1 min
0:36;  0:39;  0:51 - Just started to hit that point at the end of the second set and around the last third of the final set where I just dropped off and had to drop to doubles and triples.  I was trying to minimize rest after each drop.

Prowler Sprints 100m @ 100%; Rest 5 min x 4 (used a 103lb sled with 90lbs added)
0:48;  0:50;  1:04;  1:49 - These were killer.  I had 50m marked off down the street.  The first 50 was down a slight decline, then turn around and back up. After the second sprint I didn't feel like I ever recovered.  The last 100 I had to break three times on the way back up because my legs were locking up.  


A.  Rear Foot Elevated BB Split Squat 4-6 x 3/leg; Rest 1 min bw Legs
1 x 6 @ 95lbs;  1 x 6 @ 135lbs;  1 x 6 @ 145lbs;  2 x 4 @ 155lbs.  -  These felt better than last week, I felt like I had more control in keeping good knee mechanics.  The 2 sets at 155lbs I only did 4 reps because I wanted them to all be quality, They were tough though.

B.  Squat Clean; 3 Reps EMOM for 12 min @ 70% 1RM (192.5lbs - I went to 195lbs)
Complete - These felt great stronger than last week.  I was focusing on fully and aggressively finishing the pull and catching the bar with good mechanics at the bottom and in the front squat.  

C.  TnG Dead Lift @ 315lbs; 2 Reps on the 25 sec for 20 Sets
Complete - These felt great or as good as heavy dead lifts can.  My form never broke down and my breathing was controlled throughout.  

Airdyne 30 min @ Z1
287 avg watt; 617 cal - as always I enjoyed this, I might have been going a bit harder than Z1 but I was able to keep it under control and talk with folks as they came by.  I tried to not go over 300w so that I would not over due it and burn out.  

Wednesday, June 26, 2013



A.  Push Jerk 1,1,1,1; Rest 3 min
5 @ 135lbs;  4 @ 165lbs;  2 @ 185lbs;  1 @ 205lbs;  1 @ 215lbs;  1 @ 225lbs;  1 @ 235lbs; 
1 @ 245lbs;  1 (F) @ 250lbs - These felt a bit tougher than they should have today,  the weight just felt extra heavy.  I got 8 hours of sleep and rested all day Sunday.  Just one of those days I guess.  235 and 245 were tough so I only tried 250 once.

B.  Split Jerk Clusters x 4; Rest 15sec/2 min (80% 1RM for all - 205lbs)
Complete - these felt good shoulders and hips were feeling a bit more snappy. 

C.  Clap push-Ups; AMRAP Unbroken x 5; Rest 90sec
31,21,20,13,17 - These got tough quick, pretty big drop off and quick.

Row Sprints 30sec @ 100%; Rest 3:30
172m;  175m;  174m;  173m;  176m;  175m - These felt good, kept the damper on 9.  I felt recovered before the next sprint. 

5 Rounds For Time
200m Farmers Walk w 2pood/hand
10 Strict HSPU
17:30 - This took longer than I was expecting.  HSPU 6/4,7/3,10,7/3,10.  I was trying to save my shoulders by breaking them up - the farmers walks surprised me I had to break 2 or 3 times each set.

Row 1k @ 85%; Rest 3min x 4
3:18.3;  3:24.0;  3:27.4;  3:27.7  - These felt better than last week, I was keeping a good pace on the first 700m of all then started to fall off at the end.  It was making me wonder if I haven't been getting enough fat in my diet or something else, or that i just need more work here

Double Under Skill Work + Mobility
Here I did 60 sec of DU practice at about 60% effort, then 2 to 3 min of core/gymnastic skill.  I started to get shin splints pretty bad on the 6th set so I called it.  I will work in some more practice in the next day or two.  They are getting a little better when kept to smaller sets. 


A.  Weighted Strict C2B Chin-Ups 2,2,2,1,1,1; Rest 2 min
2 x 2 @ 16lbs;  1 x 2 @ 28lbs;  1 x 2 @ 33lbs;  1 x 2 @ 35lbs;  1 x 2 @ 37.5lbs;  1 x 2 @ 40lbs;  
1 x 2 @ 42.5lbs;  2 x 1 (F) @ 45lbs;  3 x 1 @ 42.5lbs - This was pretty crazy I went from a double to not being able to get one with an increase of 2.5lbs.  It was that last inch or two that is super hard on these.  I think I might need some upper back and scap strength work.

B.  Muscle Ups; 4 EMOM for 10 min
Complete - all unbroken

C.  20 Sets of 3 Unbroken C2B Chin-Ups for Time
3:42 - This felt pretty good biceps and forearms were tight at the end,  I tried not to waste too much time when I was off the bar, took a little longer than I expected

A.  Clean Pulls; Rest 3 min
5 x 1 @ 225lbs;  3 x 1 @ 245lbs; 1 @ 265lbs;  1 @ 275lbs;  1 @ 285lbs;  1 @ 295lbs;  2 x 1 @ 305lbs - These felt good, I didn't go as heavy this time I was trying to focus more on speed from below the knee to the shrug.  Form was good throughout.  

20 Tire Flips for Time
3:22 - I liked this, it was tough but fun.

50 KBS for time @ 2pood
1:40 - unbroken but didn't pull the KB down from the top.  The last 10 my grip was going, pretty taxing on the forearms.  

Saturday, June 22, 2013



A.  Rear Foot Elevated BB Split Squat 6-8 x 3; 1 min Rest bw Legs
1 x6 @ 95lbs;  1 x 6 @ 115lbs;  1 x 6 @ 135lbs;  1 x 6 @ 145lbs;  1 x 6 @ 155lbs - These felt pretty good 155 might have been a bit heavy for the last set, I had to bring my rear foot down and stabilize a few times.  

B.  Squat Clean; 3 Reps EMOM for 12 min @ 68%1RM (187lbs)
I used 185lbs and focused on speed and technique.  All singles this time - could have TnG but I wanted them to be as close to perfect as I could get them.  

C.  2 Dead Lifts every 30 sec for 10 min @ 315lbs
Complete - this felt pretty good


30 min Z1 on Airdyne
267 avg watt
572 cal
This felt good.  I pushed it a bit harder than I have before, but I was still able to talk with folks around me.  My quads started to get pretty tight on the last 5 min.

Friday, June 21, 2013



A.  Press Clusters x 5; Rest 30 sec/ 3 min (increase weight from last week)
1 @ 125lbs;  1 @ 135lbs;  1 @ 145lbs;  1 @ 155lbs;  1 @ 165lbs;  1 @ 170lbs;  2 reps @ 175lbs and attempted and failed on the last 3.  Still 2 more than last week.  170 was really tough I'm happy with getting 175 twice.  The last 2 sets got taxing quick.

B1.  Incline Bench Press; 5-7 x 5; Rest 30 sec
1 x 7 @ 155lbs;  2 x 7 @ 165lbs; 2 x 5 @ 175lbs - these were starting to feel a bit better

B2.  Weighted Chin-Ups 2-3 x5; Rest 3 min
5 x 3 @ 58lbs

C1.  Bent Over Barbell Rows 3-5 x 3; Rest 3 min
5 x 3 @ 225lbs - these might have been too heavy I started to heave them a bit.  I kept good back posture throughout. 

C2.  Ring Dips; 25 for time x 3; Rest 1 min
0:35;  0:33;  0:58  - My triceps just gave out on the last half of the 3rd set, I had to do doubles and singles from about 17 on. 

Prowler Sprints; 50m @ 100% Rest 2:30 x 4; Rest 6 min x 4
0:22;  0:22;  0:21;  0:22 - rest 6 min
0:21;  0:21;  0:22;  0:22 - rest 6 min
0:23;  0:23;  0:23;  0:24 - rest 6 min
0:23;  0:24;  0:25;  0:25
- These felt good it was hot and humid here mid-day.  Legs felt good today. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013



A.  Push Jerk 2,2,1,1; Rest 3 min
3 x 2 @ 115lbs; 3 x 2 @ 135lbs; 2 x 2 @ 155lbs;  1 x 2 @ 175lbs;  1 x 2 @ 195lbs; 1 x 2 @ 205lbs;
1 x 2 @ 215lbs; 1 x 2 @ 225lbs;  1 x 2 @ 235lbs;  1 @ 245lbs;  3 x F @ 250lbs - These felt pretty good until I got up to 245lbs,  I was pushing the bar out in front then was having trouble stabilizing and locking out. 

B.  Split Jerk Clusters x 3; Rest 15sec/2 min @ 80% 1RM for all (205lbs)
These felt good - really focused on the dip drive and foot placement.  I enjoyed this it felt good to get quality reps in after part A

C.  Clap Push-Ups; AMRAP Unbroken x 5; Rest 90 sec
26, 22, 17, 17, 18  - triceps and chest were burning on the last 3 sets


Row Sprints - 25sec @ 100%
140m,  141m,  140m,  141m,  140m  - felt good and recovered for each set, I bumped the damper up to 9.5 for these.


Row 1000m @ 85%; Rest 3 min x 3
3:21.0;  3:22.6;  3:28.9  - The first row felt good and i pretty much held the pace that I was wanting, my heart rate stayed fairly elevated for the rest.  The second row was a bit tougher and my quads started to really get taxed, the third I was holding on to keep the pace somewhat and I started to get nauseous on the last 500m.  I think that this got so tough because I didn't eat a big enough breakfast and drank a ton of coffee while coaching that morning.  Hopefully that was a lesson learned.

Double Under Skill work + Mobility
20 min AMRAP @ 80%
Sets of 10 Unbroken DUs
66  - This felt pretty good, I only failed on a handful of sets the whole 20 min.  I focused on relaxing, shoulder, elbow, and hand position along with foot placement.  Trigger point and mobility after.


A.  Weighted Strict CTB Chin-Ups 2,2,2,2,2; Rest 2 min
2 x 2 @ 16lbs;  2 x 2 @ 26lbs;  3 x 2 @ 35lbs;  1 @ 37.5lbs;  1 x F @ 37.5lbs - I've never done these before, The weight on the chin-up wasn't bad it was finishing the last inch or two to make contact with the bar.  

B.  Muscle Ups; EMOM for 12 min - Odd: 3 MUs, Even: 4 MUs
All sets unbroken
For Time:
50 CTB chin-ups
50 GHD sit-ups
5:02 - I finished the CTB at 2:24.  This felt pretty good.  I started off the CTB with a set of 15 then kept the sets pretty small around 5 reps or so.  

A.  Clean Pulls 2,2,1,1; Rest 3 min
2 x 2 @ 135lbs;  2 x 2 @ 185lbs;  2 x 2 @ 225lbs;  2 x 2 @ 255lbs;  2 x 2 @ 275lbs;  1 x 2 @ 285lbs;
1 x 2 @ 295lbs;  1 x 2 @ 305lbs;  1 @ 315lbs; 1 @ 325lbs  - these all felt good.  From 305 on the pulls got slower - I'm not sure if I should be focusing on speed or just keeping good form through out the movement.
B.  Tire Flips; 5 AFAP x 6; Rest 2 min (heavy)
0:41;  0:43;  0:45;  0:38;  0:40;  0:36 - These were tough but fun.  It rained last night and this morning so the tire was a bit muddy, it was a bit more awkward and I got pretty dirty it was fun. 

C.  AMRAP KB Snatch 2 Pood in 30 sec x 4; Rest 1 min bw Arms
L:  10,13,12,13
R:  10,13,12,13
These went pretty good I thought.  You pretty much had to do them unbroken.  I put it down on the set of 10 and didn't have enough time to pick it back up.  I actually got more than I was expecting. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013




A.  Press Clusters x 5; Rest 30 sec. / 3 min
1 @ 115lbs;  1 @ 125lbs;  1 @ 135lbs;  1 @ 145lbs;  1 @ 155lbs;  1 @ 165lbs;  1 @ 170lbs - This felt good.  I was wondering how my left shoulder would feel but it felt okay, a little tight and it locked out just a hair slower than my right but no pain.  I wanted to get 170 at least for one rep but it didn't happen today.

B1.  Incline Bench Press; 7-10 x 5; Rest 30 sec.
1 x 10 @ 155lbs;  1 x 9 @ 155lbs;  1 x 6 @ 165lbs; 1 x 8 @ 155lbs; 1 x 7 @ 155lbs - I was not happy about this.  I finally went and bought an actual incline bench the day before and used it today.  The past 2 times I have stacked plates and put a strait bench onto them.  The angle was steeper on the actual incline bench and made these a lot harder.  

B2.  Weighted Chin-Ups 3-4 x 5; Rest 3 min
4 @ 35lbs;  4 @ 40lbs;  4 @ 42.5lbs;  4 @ 45lbs;  4 @ 55lbs - felt good, went kinda light to ease back into it.  

C1.  Bent Over Barbell Rows 4-6 x 3; Rest 30 sec
6 x 3 @ 205lbs

C2.  Ring Dips 18-22 x 3; Rest 1 min
3 x 22  - The first set felt good - broke once at rep 16, the last 2 sets weren't as easy.  I broke several times on both.  I finished with singles on the last set


Prowler Sprints; 50m @ 100%; Rest 2:30 x 4; Rest 6 min x 3 (used a dog sled @103lbs)
w 70lbs - 0:18;  0:19;  0:18;  0:18
w 80lbs - 0:18;  0:18;  0:19;  0:20
w 90lbs - 0:24;  0:22;  0:14;  0:23
My calves were still pretty smoked and tight from the 200m sprints the other day so I started off a bit light to ramp my way up.  


A.  Rear Foot Elevated KB Split Squat @ 3030 4-8 x5; Rest 60sec Between Legs
4 x 5 @ 70lbs per leg - These were a bit tough.  Knee mechanics were feeling better, I kept the reps low in order to keep all as quality reps

B.  Squat Clean; 3 Reps EMOM for 12 min @ 65% of 1RM (180lbs)
Good and fast, focused on knee and hips receiving and coming up with the squat

C.  30 Dead Lifts for Time @ 315lbs
4:10 - not happy with this time I was wanting something in the low or sub 3 min.  I started with 8 -6-4 then a 3.  I got pretty gassed and did some singles and a few doubles.  I could tell my form was starting to break down at the end.  I started to think about my back and shoulder - just got in my head. 

30 min Z1 on Airdyne
229 avg watt  -  498 cal  This felt good as always,  Got to talk with Zack for a while about his programing with Marcus Philly.  He had just finished the 60 min row for max meters. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013



So... After dealing with my left shoulder - more specifically my left rhomboid - since last Wednesday night, my coach Max has decided that taking a de-load week to help ensure proper recovery would be best.  WIth my personality it is hard to just sit around and rest, I typically feel that I need to be moving.  I have had to constantly remind myself that longevity in health and fitness is my main goal and taking the proper time to heal is what is needed to pursue this goal.  I'm lucky to have the support system around me to help hold me to this.

Having longevity as my main long term goal isn't a copout to to say that I don't want to continually push myself to find my limits and then overcome them.  I will always strive to improve myself a human being, coach, and athlete.  I will strive to always 'go there' to embrace the uncomfortable and used these  experiences as stepping stones to realize my potential.  Continual growth and longevity just means that I shouldn't be a dumb ass in my training.    

So here it is the start of my de-load week...

10 Rounds for Time
20 Walking Lunge
10 Double Unders
6:50  - I didn't really push this 100% I wasn't sure how this would affect my shoulder.  I tend to tense up my upper back while doing DUs, that coupled with bounding I thought might annoy my rhomboid.  However it did not - I felt good to get my heart rate up for a bit.


90min Unweighted Hike
This was nice. Just to get out of the gym and enjoy the day and nature.  I hiked with Gabrielle and we had great conversation we walked the 5.5 mile loop.


10 min Airdyne @ Z1
154 cal
Airdyne 90sec @ 85%
Airdyne 30sec easy
292 avg watt
410 cal
10 min Airdyne @ Z1
114 cal
This was tougher than I was expecting.  My quads tightened up on the warm up.  By the end I felt like I was doing the FY.  I was trying to keep the 90 sec above 300 watt at least.  I know that I could do better next time. 


Run 200m @ 90%
Rest 90 sec.
x 4
Rest 2 min
x 4
(16 total 200's)
0:35, 0:36, 0:35, 0:35  - rest 2 min
0:36, 0:36, 0:37, 0:38  - rest 2 min
0:37, 0:39, 0:39, 0:40  - rest 2 min
0:39, 0:39, 0:39, 0:40  - rest 2 min
Geeze I totally underestimated this workout.  It kicked my ass.  I had 100m roughly measured off I'm not sure that it was exact, so I ran down and back.  The turnaround was killer.  The first 8 felt pretty good but from 10 on I felt like shit.  It was getting hard to stride out like I wanted - my hamstrings and groin were tightening up.  And my calves were wrecked when I was done.  Not to mention it was in the upper 90s with high humidity.  I know that I need to get better here, I can see the benefits of this. 

On a different note  - my shoulder/upper back is feeling alot better.  It's still a bit tight in the morning but stretching and trigger point along with a week of rest has helped out alot.  I'm ready to get back to training on Friday. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013



A.  Push Jerk 3,2,1 ; Rest 3 min
3 x 3 @ 135lbs;  1 x 3 @ 165lbs; 2 x 3 @ 185lbs; 1 x 3 @ 205lbs;  1 x 3 @ 215lbs; 1 x 3 @ 225lbs;
1 x 2 @ 235lbs; 1 @ 245lbs  - These felt pretty good, the dip and drive felt strong.  I had a bit of shoulder pain especially on the eccentric movement.  I spent some time warming up this morning especially my shoulders.  I have a knot under my left scap that has been bugging me for the past day or so.  I think that it is the insertion of my rhomboid or subscap - probably from rounding a bit on dead lifts. 

B.  Split Jerk 2,2,2,1,1,1 :  Rest 3 min
2 x 2 @ 135lbs; 1 x 2 @ 165lbs; 1 x 2 @ 185lbs; 1 x 2 @ 205lbs; 1 x 2 @ 215lbs;  1 x 2 @ 225lbs;
1 x 2 @ 235lbs;  1 @ 245lbs; 3 x F @ 255lbs; 1 x 2 @ 245lbs  - These felt alright my shoulder was acting up a bit more, I was trying to stretch it out with a band during my rest.  The dip and drive @ 255 felt good I sent the bar slightly forward but it was the lockout with my shoulder that was tripping me up.  I spent the afternoon on the trigger point ball.

C.  Speed Bench Press with Chains; 3 Reps x 14 sets; Rest 45 sec bw Sets
45% of 1RM plus 25% of 1RM in chain at the top ( I used 20 feet of 3/4'' chain)  This felt good, I wanted to do more. 


20 sec Airdyne Sprints @ 100%; Rest 2:40 x 5
23 - 22 - 23 - 22 - 22 Cal  - These were definitely tougher than the 15 sec sprints.  My quads were feeling it on the last 2 sets. 



Row 500m @ 1 sec Faster Pace Than Last Week (1:39 Pace); Rest 2 min x 5
1:37.0,  1:36.0,  1:38.3,  1:37.9,  1:37.9  - I wasn't hitting my pace at all on these, I was coming out too hot.  I would start off in the low 1:30's and then back off to the right pace, at the last 100m I would speed up a bit because I didn't want to miss the mark.  These felt good.


30min Advanced Skill Work/Gymnastic Play
Here I would handstand walk 30 m or so across the gym at one end I would L-sit on rings for 15 sec, at the other end I would practice front and back levers. 



A.  Weighted Pull-Ups @ 31x1; 1-2 x 5; Rest 2 min
2 x 2 @ 35lbs; 1 x 2 @ 40lbs; 2 x 2 @ 45lbs; 1 x 2 @ 53lbs; 1 x 2 @ 58lbs; 1 x 2 @ 60.5lbs;
1 x 2 @ 63lbs; 1 x 2 @ 65.5lbs; 1 x 2 @ 68lbs; 1 @ 70lbs; 1 @ 73lbs - These felt good, I'm glad that we are doing a good bit of these - I need to get better here.  My shoulder felt good this morning I spent a long while trigger pointing and doing mobility. 

B.  Muscle Ups, 3 EMOM for 10 min
Complete - all were unbroken and felt good, I kinda wanted to keep going.


10 --> 1
Unbroken Strict Pull-Ups
GHD Sit-Ups
7:57  -  This was not the time that I was shooting for.  The pull-ups started to get really tough on the set of 8.  I failed on the 5th rep of the set of 6, I tried again and failed on the 4th rep.  I kept going on sets and had no more failed reps.  The GHDs felt good - my upper back and lats were smoked.


A.  Clean Pulls 2,2,2,2  Rest 3 min
2 x 2 @ 135lbs; 2 x 2 @ 185lbs;  2 x 2 @ 225lbs; 1 x 2 @ 255lbs;  1 x 2 @ 275lbs; 1 x 2 @ 285lbs;
1 x 2 @ 295lbs; 1 x 2 @ 305lbs  - I started to feel my shoulder getting tight during the second half of these.  The last 2 sets were slower but still finished with good extension and shrug.

B.  Stone 2 Shoulder 6 Alt'ing Reps AFAP x 4; Rest 2:30
0:32, 0:27, 0:25, 0:24  - I was kinda nervous about my shoulder going into this so I was a bit cautious at first.  But these were fun and felt good.

C.  3 Sets of 25 Unbroken 2 Pood KBS for Time
3:18  -  Again I was a bit nervous about how these would effect my shoulder, I warmed up with a few sets of swings and they weren't too bad.  On the second set of 25 my ribs/back cracked in my thoracic where the pain has been.  It actually felt pretty good.  Then on the last set I felt 2 other cracks/pops and they didn't feel as good, I only had 6 or 8 left so I kept going.  Afterwards it kept getting tighter and feeling worse.  If I turned certain ways or lifted my arm funny there was a sharp pain in my ribs when I took a breath.  I took some ibuprofen and it began to feel a little better.  I'm glad to have a rest day tomorrow, a day of resting and mobility will do it some good. Max I will email you if it is not feeling better tomorrow

Saturday, June 1, 2013




A.  Press Clusters x 5; Rest 30 sec. / 3 min
1 @ 135lbs;  1 2@ 145lbs;  1 @ 155lbs;  1 @ 160lbs;  1 @ 165lbs  - I know that my S2OH needs improvement but I like these clusters.  165lbs was tough 30 sec went by quickly, I tried 170lbs but failed on the second set of 2 - I couldn't recover quick enough. 

B1.  Incline Bench Press; 10-12 x 5; Rest 30 sec.
1 x 12 @ 155lbs;  1 x 12 @ 165lbs;  1 x 10 @ 175lbs;  1 x 9 @ 175lbs - I failed on the 10th rep of my last set it just stalled out about 2 inches from the top.

B2.  Weighted Pull-ups 4-6 x 5; Rest 3 min.
3 x 5 @ 53lbs;  2 x 4 @ 53lbs  - My shoulders were definitely taxed by the end of this

C1.  Bent Over barbell Rows 6-8 x 3; Rest 60 sec.
3 x 8 @ 175lbs

C2.  Ring Dips 16-18 x 3; rest 60 sec.
3 x 18  - The first set was unbroken but the last two I had to take multiple breaks.  I need to work on my endurance here.


50 m Sled Sprints @ 100%; Rest 2:30 x 3; Rest 6 min x 3
Set #1 -                                   Set #2                                 Set#3
rest 2:30         rest 6 min        rest 2:30      rest 6 min       rest 2:30
0:21                                         0:20                                   0:25
0:21                                         0:23                                   0:27
0:21                                         0:23                                   0:29

These were done with a 103lb dog sled with 90lbs added


A.  Rear Foot Elevated DB Split Squat @ 3030, 6-8 x 5; Rest 1 min between legs
3 x 8 per leg @ 53lbs
2 x 8 per leg @ 63lbs

B.  Squat Clean; 3 EMOM for 12 min @ 60% of 1 RM  - 165lbs
These felt good and quick, focused on good knee mechanics and bouncing out of the hole.  half were singles and half were TnG.

C.  5 TnG Dead Lifts EMOM for 10 min @ 320lbs
This was tough and taxing both physically and mentally.  My thoracic started to round a bit on the 7th set but not bad enough to hurt, I had to turn off my head and finish the reps knowing that my body could handle it.  I felt good after and no pain the rest of the day.


30min Airdyne @ Z1
213 avg watt
463 cal
I enjoyed this.  My mom came up to the gym and we got to talk while she was rowing and practicing DUs.  And yes my whole family needs to improve their DUs.